get to know me!!
hi everyone! my name is emily! i’m so excited to start sharing my journey with you all. my whole life i’ve wanted to travel, create, and be a part of the goodness in the world. i believe creative expression is found in poetry, art, theatre, sports, writing, photography and more… i am a photographer, i’m a writer and a poet, i am a woman, i am an activist for human rights, i’m a marketing major, i’m a free spirit, and i’m enthralled with the idea of exploring.
life goes by so quick, we often forget to recognize the beauty in the small moments. i want to share ways to enjoy every single moment. live for tomorrow. live for today. live for the little version of you that you’ll nurture along the way.
i have struggled with mental health my whole life. i have tried different meds, therapies, religion etc… and if i have learned one thing from rock bottom, it’s that THERE IS STILL SO MUCH LIFE LEFT TO LIVE!!
welcome to my page, i hope you find a home here :)